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Amazing Videos to Watch Today

05:30 Unknown

Amazing Videos to Watch Today

1)    Epic Frisbee Trick Shot Adventure with Brodie Smith !

You Tuber Devin Supertramp teamed up with Frisbee trick shot legend Brodie Smith for a day of epic throws and huge layout in Southern Utah. Watch this video here !

2)    Bike Parkour – streets of San Francisco !

A group of trial bikers recently hit up San Francisco to create this that can only be described as a bicycle parkour. It’s difficult how amazing these stunts are you have to watch them yourself  to understand it.

3)    Devin Supertramp biggest Fails !

Ouch! Devin Supertramp biggest FAILS is actually painful to watch.

4)    25,000 Dominoes !!!

The 25,000 domino setup built with Petmagnetetal a few weeks ago. This setup took two days to build and there were no breaks! Checkout this video here !

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